

Up-to-date information about plastic recycling


Up-to-date information about plastic recycling

Climate-neutral Pekutherm products

As a recycling company, Pekutherm has been helping other companies manufacture their products in a resource-saving manner by recycling raw materials for over three decades. Furthermore, we have designed our operational processes to be environmentally friendly and have [...]

18. March 2021|

Acrylic Recycling
Made in Germany

Pekutherm Kunststoffe GmbH has been specializing in the recycling of post-industrial clear acrylic rests for more then 30 years now. The company produces high quality recyclates and recompounds used primary for top plastic products of the German automobile and [...]

22. January 2018|

Instead of gifts: Pekutherm donates to Bärenherz

Every year at Christmas time, we usually send little somethings and greeting cards to our suppliers and customers to thank them for a good and successful cooperation. This year, we also would like to say thank you, but thought [...]

28. November 2014|

Climate protective plastic recycling: Pekutherm obtains green electricity

How can a corporation fulfill responsibility and make a contribution to climate protection? Since January 1, 2014, Pekutherm has been purchasing green electricity from LichtBlick, an independent energy supplier based in Hamburg. LichtBlick completely wins green electricity from renewable [...]

21. January 2014|
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