Circular Economy
With the plastic recyclates from Pekutherm, manufacturers reduce the CO2 footprint of their products and thus make a significant contribution to climate protection.
Circular Economy
With the plastic recyclates from Pekutherm, manufacturers reduce the CO2 footprint of their products and thus make a significant contribution to climate protection.
Circular Economy
With the plastic recyclates from Pekutherm, manufacturers reduce the CO2 footprint of their products and thus make a significant contribution to climate protection.
Circles are the tools that give us a better future
As an active part of the circular economy, we collect plastic residues from all areas along the value chain, during the production of products (post-industrial) or at the end of the utilization phase (post-consumer). After collection and sorting, the plastic residues are mechanically recycled. This energy-efficient process preserves the chemical structure of the plastic.
The result is a pure recyclate. The recycled raw material can be returned to the cycle and saves more than 80% CO2 compared to the new material. Manufacturers can significantly reduce the carbon footprint of their products by using recyclates and make a significant contribution to achieving climate targets.
Become an active part of the circular economy by jointly analysing your waste streams and increasing your resource efficiency through sustainable recycling concepts.
“We must not waste our earth’s resources any more.
Plastics must circulate in a sustainable cycle and CO2 emissions must be reduced.
I am fully committed to this.
For today, for tomorrow and for future generations.“
Heiko Pfister
General Manager Pekutherm GmbH